Friday, November 2, 2012

What does a traffic light mean again?

Almost settled into my apartment... It has been a major hassle dealing with realtors here. They are all young (22-27), unorganized, and smell like cigarettes. I have been in a huge bind because my boss wants me to live close to work; this translates into "there are many brand new apartment complexes with small studios for high prices!"...

Once I settled on one of the pricey little studios and found myself sitting with the landlord, realtors, and new friends that don't speak a word of english, I then discovered there were many many extra fees that came with this apartment: manager fee, community cleaning fee, water, electricity, gas, and a big fugly couch. Soon what I was told to be only 2900RMB a month quickly turned into 3400RMB+ and the landlord won't take the big fugly couch because he doesn't have storage space...??? I'm not a very happy customer... To continue the disappointment, the previous tenant failed to clean the apartment before moving out and busted the lock on the back door. I have spent nearly two (2) full days cleaning dust and weird debris and sleep at night with winds a blowin' and a busted door a openin'-and-shuttin'...

The biggest downfall is that the nearest Plaza for me to shop at (clothes, household items, FOOD!) is a fun 50min walk/40min bus/10min cab ride away. I believe I am only beginning to understand how troublesome this is...

On a happier note, eight (8) English-Chinese translation revisions later, my contract is good to go! I want to thank my lovely lady for helping me through all of this. I would most certainly be in a pickle without her! Love you boboi!

Now for the highlight of the post... TRAFFIC LIGHTS? Yes, you heard correct! TRAFFIC LIGHTS! One could say while visiting in Xiamen, "Hey! Where are all the traffic lights?" and would only hear the sweet response of car honks as they blaze through intersections in all four (4) directions. Actually more like six (6) directions, I forgot about the cars traveling in the opposite direction on the wrong side of the road. Oh wait there's more! One must also be weary while on sidewalks because they can drive on sidewalks too! You can only find traffic lights 'downtown' and other random intersections...

To be short, it's been crazy. Despite the lack of English anywhere - aside from the pinyin of Chinese signs - the people in Xiamen are very friendly and inviting.

Until next time,