Saturday, October 13, 2012

Curious Son

Jessica flew home to Hong Kong, so today was my first day going out into the city on my own. Seeing that I had an agenda of apartment hunting only at one community, it doesn't leave much time to go out and do other things...

The day started off with a delicious breakfast from Cafe 85*C. It was the same staff as the day before. Jessica had always ordered our drinks, so the staff had a slight face of confusion when I approached them. I ordered my usual drink (in Mandarin), and a sign of relief came across the barista's face. hahaha He continued to ask where "your lady friend was" and I responded that she had returned home. While I was waiting for my coffee, a mother and son (age 6-ish) were standing beside me during my conversion with the barista. The son asked the mom why a foreigner was in the Cafe and why he spoke Chinese. The mother said that he listens well, and at that point I looked over at them. The mother smile and said to her son, "See! He understands." The son was ecstatic. He began questioning me faster than a rapper after 2 cans of Redbull! hahaha He asked me why my hair was brown, how was it standing up, and if he could touch it. A fun day indeed!

I'm on my way out now to view apartments. Hopefully when I come back, I'll actually have a place to live!

Until next time,


  1. I love reading about your adventures and viewing the beautiful pictures. Hope you find an apartment soon. Love you son, Mom Joy.

  2. This is adorable and the exact reason as to why I want to learn Thai.

    Miss you!

    -Ariel and Julia
