Friday, October 12, 2012

T.E.T. Spotted in Xiamen

Today is my fifth day in Xiamen, Fujian, China. I would have to say, if Jessica wasn't with me... I wouldn't be able to get around this city at all. No one speaks English and signs are only in Chinese...

Today is also the first time I have decided to do something American by going to a 'local' Starbucks (星巴克)for a coffee - my main objective was the free wifi because it seems to be the only place on the entire island that offers free wifi.... When ordering my drink - one tall soy vanilla latté - it took some time for the staff to understand what I meant by "soy." In the end I did receive a soy vanilla latté; however, the soy was the Chinese soy that you get in drinks like this:
It was a definite surprise nonetheless, but tasted interesting... Should've added one more pump of vanilla.

Yesterday, was an amazing day though. Jessica and I traveled to the famous island GuLangYu - the island is only 0.77sq miles. We walked most of the entire island in three hours. This gorgeous island is smaller than Boston University campus, yet I dare say contains more stairs than the Great Wall of China! (Possibly a slight exaggeration, but seriously has a ton of stairs) Here is a panorama from the tallest peak on the island:
The city you see in the background is Xiamen.

On the island, there is a piano and organ museum - both of which are amazing!

For more pictures, check out my Facebook.

Until next time,

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