Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cha Chaan Teng

Hi everyone!!!

Today is going great! Normally while driving in cars around HK, I have had the worst car sickness troubles; however, today has been smooth riding! Jessica and I had lunch at a Cha Chaan Teng! Our "Ja Leung" should have looked something like this
However ours was double fried, burnt, and extremely crunchy... YUCK!

On the good side we had "Siu Ngo" (Fried Goose) 

To continue the tasty greatness, one of my favorites... "Siu Yuk" (Roasted pig)

Until next time,

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Did I mention food?

One thing I love about Hong Kong (HK) is the food. Every time I come here, I am introduced to many new restaurants and street stalls, along with many new delicious dishes! Every dinner has consisted of 9-12 courses. I have trouble after part 8 and find myself within a zen food coma while I trudge through the remaining course meal wishing I wasn't stuffed so I could fully appreciate the taste. hahaha

Another thing I appreciate about HK is how the people here maneuver on the side walk and the road. It's very agressive, but everyone is productive in keeping things flowing. No one is stalled or just 'zoned out' following the car in front of him/her - unlike LA where traffic most of the time never moves. Here in HK, although the traffic is always thick, it is at least constantly moving! #goHK

Until next time,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hong Kong Arrival

I arrived in Hong Kong (HK) two days ago! My flight was, unfortunately, a very long one. There was a child who sat behind me that was kicking my chair almost the entire trip... and YES I did tell him and his father - in English & Mandarin - to stop kicking, but it didn't help!!! To further the fun of this plane ride, there was a lady that sat next to me, and she kept falling asleep and... spreading her legs - like a man... she had her entire leg and foot in my space. I paid a large sum of money for this little space on the plane, so stay out of it! grrrr

Until next time,

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Visa & Contract... CHECK!

I received my Visa shortly after my post yesterday,  ANDDDDD I received my contract today!

Looking over all of these official terms and pulling my hair out really makes me realize that I am just meant for tech work. :^) Anyone know how to translate these documents into normal English?

I must also say that am very grateful for my girlfriend, Jessica, and my best friend, Kian How, for helping me during this entire process. You two are the best!

Until next time,

Friday, September 7, 2012


Pre-Production is probably the most important step in any scenario. I scold people, probably more often than I should, who overlook this step. This can be related to music, film, or even packing your suitcase to move to another country. Example 'A' = me!

Yet as I am about to make the biggest move in my life so far, I definitely overlooked this step. I spent all of my final days spending time with my family and before I realized it, I had less than 30 hours to pack my suitcases. I managed to spend a good amount of thought - and too much time - packing my first suitcase. I must say if there was such a thing as a professional suitcase-packer, that guy definitely did a great job on that first suitcase. The only thing was that I soon realized I had spent too much time with the first bag and discovered that I would need to purchase another suitcase and kick some @$$ fast because time was ticking by real quick. @___@

Similar to my friends, Ariel and Julia, I was battling the 50lbs weight-limit with all of my suitcases. I told myself, "One day, I'll tell my children or grandchildren that this was the bag(s) that I brought XX years ago when I moved to China. I only had... so on and so on..." hahaha It was very hard to leave many things back home because of space issues, but also because it was time to let go of some sentimental items because I had way too much stuff!

I still have a week left in Los Angeles before The Big Move, and I definitely having the typical case of "I have to buy this now because they probably won't have in Asia." So now all of my bags are way over weight. Luckily, I have a friend who is a packing guru, and he has offered his expertise!

This will have been my first blog since the Xanga days of old. hahaha It will be tough to keep it up, but I think I'll be able to keep at it!

Until next time,