Friday, September 7, 2012


Pre-Production is probably the most important step in any scenario. I scold people, probably more often than I should, who overlook this step. This can be related to music, film, or even packing your suitcase to move to another country. Example 'A' = me!

Yet as I am about to make the biggest move in my life so far, I definitely overlooked this step. I spent all of my final days spending time with my family and before I realized it, I had less than 30 hours to pack my suitcases. I managed to spend a good amount of thought - and too much time - packing my first suitcase. I must say if there was such a thing as a professional suitcase-packer, that guy definitely did a great job on that first suitcase. The only thing was that I soon realized I had spent too much time with the first bag and discovered that I would need to purchase another suitcase and kick some @$$ fast because time was ticking by real quick. @___@

Similar to my friends, Ariel and Julia, I was battling the 50lbs weight-limit with all of my suitcases. I told myself, "One day, I'll tell my children or grandchildren that this was the bag(s) that I brought XX years ago when I moved to China. I only had... so on and so on..." hahaha It was very hard to leave many things back home because of space issues, but also because it was time to let go of some sentimental items because I had way too much stuff!

I still have a week left in Los Angeles before The Big Move, and I definitely having the typical case of "I have to buy this now because they probably won't have in Asia." So now all of my bags are way over weight. Luckily, I have a friend who is a packing guru, and he has offered his expertise!

This will have been my first blog since the Xanga days of old. hahaha It will be tough to keep it up, but I think I'll be able to keep at it!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. My dearest Sean: I so wish I could have visited while you were here. But I am happy you were able to visit with my kids. I wish you all the best on your new journey in life. I look forward to hearing about your adventures and your life. I will miss you dearly. With all my love, "Mom" Joy
